down detector website

Utixo's Web Site Downdetector tool allows you to check website availability and response times: a non-functioning site always translates into economic and image loss

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Why up time, hosting quality and website monitoring is important?


Often problems with the site of slowness or unavailability are due to unauthorized access. It is important to take immediate action and diagnose the problem to protect the information in it and make the necessary technical changes.


The website represents the company, therefore, when it is not accessible, it impacts the level of trust that the user has in the company. This is especially important if it is an e-commerce site, where trust plays a fundamental task.


Google regularly accesses the site to update the content, as if it were an ordinary user. Finding the site not accessible penalizes from an SEO point of view, that is, the positioning of the site in Google search results.

How does Web Site DownDetector work?

The tool simulates how visitors interact with your website, so you and your team are the first to know if your site is slow, broken, or unavailable. Get fast and accurate external monitoring 24/7. In addition, you can measure your provider’s level of service and the reliability of your site.

site dowdetector

Multi-level notifications thanks to Web Site DownDetector

The system provides notification to multiple contacts via email, SMS or through a specific app to be installed on the smartphone. You can also request the opening of a ticket from our technical department for taking charge. Weekly you will receive an up time report. Also, if you have a hosting service with us, you can automatically open a ticket to our support.

Are you sure your site is up and available 24 hours a day for 365 days?
Find out with Utixo's Web Site Downdetector service!

Buy now online at our shop

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely, you can purchase the product to monitor sites at other providers and check the quality of service, or activate it as an option to an Utixo hosting plan. The service is perfect for checking the quality of your hosting provider in terms of availability and performance. Leggi il nostro articolo per saperne di più.

Yes, we have probes in multiple countries so it is possible to monitor availability and response times as if we were users physically in other countries.

Of course! Utixo works mainly with professional operators. Visit the dedicated page or contact our sales department directly for a price list.

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