Agreement between MCI Brand Appeal and Utixo on cloud services management

Agreement between MCI Brand Appeal and Utixo on cloud services management

Accordo tra MCI e Utixo

In October 2021, Utixo Italia srl and MCI srl signed an agreement to manage cloud services. This agreement provides MCI customers with better and more focused technical support, a higher level of service quality, and the ability to purchase additional cloud services.

Cloud solutions are now essential for businesses around the world. Examples of cloud services might be VPSs or complete mail management with enterprise technologies such as Exchange, Google Workspace or Microsf 365.

MCI Brand Appeal was founded by Martignoni Comunicazione, was later integrated Advance Brand Appeal, with more than 20 years’ experience in developing projects for leading companies. The promise of MCI Brand Appeal is to increase the value of clients’ brands (brands) and to be the benchmark for those who believe in communication as a strategic asset.

MCI operates globally and has a direct presence in Italy, in Crema and Milan, and in China in Shanghai, with clients in various sectors, including cosmetics, real estate and energy.

MCI customers will receive formal notice of the agreement as early as November. Invoices for services will be issued by Utixo without price changes, a major technological upgrade of the entire infrastructure will follow to increase performance, security and quality.

see the news story on the MCI website

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