Measuring email sending quality with Pulse

Measuring email sending quality with Pulse

We all know how important it is for an email marketing platform to ensure high deliverability and conversion rates. With this article we demonstrate the advanced system of measuring the quality of email sending with Pulse.

What is Pulse?

Pulse is our email marketing platform that allows you to send emails, newsletters and communications to all your customers quickly and easily. For more details about the product you can visit the dedicated website.

In the video below you can see a test in which a website ( is used that can give a score on spam and sending quality. The higher the score, the more likely the mail message will arrive in the recipient’s inbox.

Pulse is optimized for the best score and uses full domain authentication.

We invite you to test your product using the same system to compare it with Pulse. How is he doing? Let us know.

Look at the test here, these are the performance of our platform:

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